Pussy Riot Putin’s Nightmare
By Pure Evil
A friend of mine wanted to take his daughter to see Pussy Riot when they gave a talk in Cambridge. Despite the event being sold out he kept trying to get in , but whatever he tried he could not. So he & his daughter went to the stage door to get their autographs – to cut a LONG story short the girls invited them onto the wings of the stage & all 5 became firm friends. Pussy Riot said how they needed to raise funds to pay for the lawyers they pay for supporting political prisoners in Russia. My friend asked if Pure Evil would help . So he created these three canvases and an edition of prints. Wearing the iconic ski mask these amazing young ladies have access to any major political figure but their honest kindness was shown to me by inviting my friend & daughter on stage who were not world famous politicians but nice people. As Seen on TV BBC 1 17th November 2016 supplied by us to Children in Need